What is Breast Cancer?

Symptoms to look out fo

Different types of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Staging

How Breast cancer is treated

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women.1 About 1.948 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide, and over 513,525 women die of the disease each year.1 This means that one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer somewhere in the world every 20 seconds and more than three women die of breast cancer every five minutes worldwide.
Since 2008 there has been a 22 percent increase in the number of people developing breast cancer worldwide. The good news is that despite this increase, there has been a significant drop in the number of deaths from the disease. This decrease can be attributed to a combination of factors such as better understanding of the disease, earlier diagnosis, improved testing and effective treatments.
Despite the significant progress made over the last few decades in patient outcomes, breast cancer is still the most common cancer affecting women. Every 20 seconds a person is diagnosed with breast cancer and every minute someone dies of this disease.
These sobering facts underscore the importance of continuous investment in this field. Whilst investment in research and the development of new treatments play a critical role in improving patient outcomes, one should not undermine the importance of education and general awareness about the disease. When it comes to breast cancer, knowledge is not only power, but it may also be a life saver.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) which provides an excellent opportunity to remind ourselves just how important awareness is in our common battle against the disease. Awareness built on a simple but proven premise that can change lives: greater knowledge and awareness = earlier detection = increased survival rates.
Greater knowledge of the risk factors for breast cancer, the symptoms to look out for and seeking advice as early as possible make the detection and treatment of the disease at the early stages possible. If the cancer is found before it has spread, 98 percent of people live for at least five years, compared to just 24 percent when the cancer is diagnosed at a later stage.



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