Emirates Oncology Society

Call for Abstracts

Submit your Abstract for the 3rd EOS Annual Conference

Share your original work, research, challenges, and ideas related to oncology by submitting your abstract to 3rd EOS Annual Conference 2022. 

Authors can submit original unpublished basic or clinical research and data, practice abstracts, retrospective studies, or case studies. Submission is open until Wednesday, 10 AUG 2022.

The EOS Annual congress scientific committee will review and identify abstracts which will be presented during the 3rd Annual Cconference.

Submit your abstracts now via email at abstracts@eos-uae.com

Submission Guidelines

  • The abstracts should only be submitted via email.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is on Wednesday, 10 AUG 2022.
  • There is a limit of three (3) contributed submissions per author.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Your abstract should be structured in different sections such as: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, Acknowledgements
    (if applicable) and References
  • Abstracts may not be longer than 3,500 characters including spaces.
  • The notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts will be sent to you via email by week of 22 August 2022.

For any questions or clarifications, please email us at abstracts@eos-uae.com

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 10 AUG 2022 GMT+4 – After the deadline, any changes to your submission will no longer be possible.


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